Monday, September 22, 2008

I remember my first autumn of college.  My world was fresh and new and I saw it full of possibility.  I spent a lot of time crafting my ideas and writing.  I bought a lot of CDs and took a lot of photos.  I remember updating my myspace page like it was my job.  I was developing a digital image.  Perhaps that’s why I fell so in love with The Postal Service, Give Up.  With its sort of alien blips and arcade beeps—it had this technologic edge.  It’s young, it’s hip, it’s pop.  It has this image like it doesn’t care—it doesn’t care that we are all going to die.  The music hops and bops along, fancy and free—the listener is starting to feel much the same way, smiling and dancing, and the fact that the lyrics are a haunting reminder of his/her own mortality flies entirely under radar.  

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